Adobe Commerce Code Audits

Does your Adobe Commerce – Magento site give you the results you expect? Or does it just give you a headache?

Why do I need a Code Audit?

If your site is slow, custom functionality is broken or buggy, the theme doesn’t work the way you need it to, or you just suspect there’s a problem, a Human Element Code Audit will uncover the issues and provide you with a list of actionable recommendations.

  • Slow site
  • Your site crashes during high traffic
  • Poor attribute design
  • Concerns about security
  • The theme doesn’t work the way we want it to
  • It takes too long to load a cart

What is the Human Element Adobe Commerce Code Audit?

A secure review of your Adobe Commerce (Magento) application setup, the website’s code, extensions, performance, and future scalability. We provide a complete Site Audit Report that includes an executive summary with recommendations prioritized into four categories:

Critical: The issue poses security risks or prevents customers from completing checkout.

Moderate: The issue is hurting performance or user experience and should be addressed, but does not pose a threat or prevent overall usability.

Recommended: Recommendations may include design and user experience improvements, creative ways to get the most out of Adobe Commerce, the theme, and the installed extensions. Additional extensions may be recommended for an improved experience where possible.

Info: No action required.

Detailed Site Information

  • Server Specifications
  • Magento Information: Version, Cache setup, Local Modules, Custom Modules, Vendor Modules, Disabled Modules, Products, Customers, Categories
  • Website Stats: GTMetrix Test, Home Page Load time, Request response times
  • Cache Status
  • PHP Configuration Settings
  • Third-Party Module Review

Overrides / Customizations

(areas where native Adobe Commerce functionality has been overwritten)

  • Preference Overrides
  • Plugins Override
  • Observer Overrides

Server and Magento Errors

Upgradability and Suggestions

Who will perform the audit?

A team of Adobe Magento certified developers from multiple disciplines (architects, strategists, developers).

Human Element is a Specialized Adobe Partner with over 50 certifications on staff. From strategy and consulting, to identifying the best way to integrate your Magento 2 store with your ERP system, we know Adobe Commerce (Magento) inside and out.

Need help implementing the recommendations? We’ve got you covered, from a rebuild to our Maintenance and Support Plans!

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