A weekly digest of curated content designed to help our clients and friends reap the rewards of standout sites!

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We’re proud to work with the best of the best in eCommerce, so when we learn something cool from our industry partners, we want to share it with you. Let’s get to it!


5 eCommerce trends for 2021: What we learned from the 2020 holiday season

Analysis by Adobe Digital Insights (ADI), which uses Adobe Analytics to analyze trillions of online engagements to 80 of the top 100 retailers in the U.S., has found that COVID-19 had a tremendous impact on how people shopped online in 2020. E-commerce sales for the last holiday season saw two years’ worth of growth, reaching $188.2 billion, up a whopping 32 percent year over year (YoY). Read more!



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10 Benefits of An Integrated eCommerce Marketing Platform

With an integrated platform, your brand can streamline operations and focus on what matters most: delivering cohesive — and high-converting — customer experiences. There are numerous benefits to an integrated eCommerce marketing platform that can positively impact both operations and marketing efficacy, but Yotpo has highlighted the top ten you need to know.


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The Future of eCommerce in 2021

What’s the new normal for commerce? And what can you do to thrive in 2021 and beyond? Interviews with 25+ industry leaders, investors, and commerce experts identified five global trends shaping retail and eCommerce. This in-depth report offers overviews of each trend and practical steps you can take right now to future-proof your business!



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3 Ways to Create Long-Term Customer Loyalty with First-Time Seasonal Buyers

If you want to turn your unknown buyers into active brand advocates, the best thing you can do is move those individuals into your customer engagement programs and provide personalized experiences. These steps will help rise above your competition as you engage and build deeper relationships with your customers.



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