Last week, Human Element accepted a FastTrack award from Ann Arbor SPARK, honoring our consistent record of growth in the Ann Arbor region. Needless to say, we were stoked. We were invited to attend the Deals of the Year Awards dinner, hosted by MLive and the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Regional Chamber of Commerce. We pretty much treated it like the Oscars of the local business community. You love us… You really love us!
Paul Krutko, Ann Arbor SPARK president and CEO, had some pretty nice words for all the FastTrack winners:
“The FastTrack award winners demonstrated that they have what it takes to not only grow their businesses, but to do so consistently, over time. It’s exciting to honor 15 Ann Arbor region companies for having an incredible and positive impact on our community… These amazing companies are the foundation of Ann Arbor’s stable and growing economy, and what sets this region apart from others in the state and nation. Ann Arbor SPARK is grateful for the opportunity to be a resource to them, and to have supported the acceleration of their growth curve.”
FastTrack award winners are required to have revenue of at least $100,000 in 2010, with an annual growth of 20 percent for the following three years. Yeo & Yeo CPAs & Business Consultants sponsors the Ann Arbor SPARK FastTrack Awards and verified all of the award applications.
We are honored and excited to be recognized for our hard work, and it’s humbling to be in the company of some truly excellent growing Ann Arbor businesses, including ArborMoon, Online Tech, and InfoReady Corp. Congratulations to all the winners working to make the Ann Arbor area a strong and vibrant business community.
Check out the photo album we’ve put together to see all of our classy highlights from the evening, including the part where I win a $1,700 necklace from Lewis Jewelers for being the top Tweeter of the night. Yes, that really happened.