The big headline here is that Human Element is officially Magento 2 Ready, which means we are trained and prepared to build, maintain and write extensions for Magento 2. We can safely say this because we completed the training exercises that Magento set as a benchmark.
The training was intense, with three backend developers watching approximately 30 hours of training videos related to the application framework, request flow, and inner workings of Magento 2. It also included writing a series of 5 modules that demonstrated abilities across a variety of use cases for Magento like, accessing and modifying the SOAP and REST APIs, creating and injecting blocks, and making custom routes with the ability to have their own unique business rules. Additionally, we had the entire development team watch the frontend theming and development videos in anticipation of exciting projects to come over the next 12 months.
As a web developer, going through the Magento 2 partner training exercises is a lot like taking that first jump into a cold swimming pool. You want to do it. Your head is telling you that after you jump in, it’s going to be great and that you can do all sorts of fun stuff – you just have to take that first leap. Getting the courage to take that leap can be a little daunting, but once the email came in that our training had been accepted and we were officially Magento 2 Ready, I thought, alright, now it’s time to punch the clock.
As any good developer knows, “With great power comes great responsibility,” and finishing these exercises felt a lot like getting that first root command out of the way. So, if you’re thinking about getting your Magento 2 site underway, rest assured that working with Human-Element means working with a verified Solutions Partner and our crack team of M2-Ready nerds is just waiting to work on your project.