Human Element Tech Trek Ann Arbor 2018The Ann Arbor Tech Trek returns this week and Human Element just couldn’t turn down the opportunity to open our doors and welcome in the local community of jobseekers, students and lookie-loos hungry for some knowledge. Our message for the 2018 trek answers two simple questions: Who are we? And what makes us different?

The tech community of Ann Arbor is flourishing and requires talented, motivated people from almost every field. No longer do you have to have a degree in software development to work in tech. And Human Element is the perfect specimen of this truth. Our team includes not only developers and project managers, but also digital marketing specialists, experience design professionals, optimization strategists, and a killer sales team – to make up an award winning full service digital agency.

In addition to representing industry growth, Human Element strives to provide an environment that fosters work/life balance, meets team members’ professional inclinations, and provides an overall enjoyable work home. This is reflected in our core values and our everyday practices in the workplace. In our company vision document, we call out clearly: We are building a place where we want to work.

Opening our doors to the attendees of Tech Trek is an exciting experience for our entire team – and not a bad excuse to shut off the ol’ desktop for a few hours. Guests of the event will have the opportunity to learn more about all facets of our company including our favorite snacks, the intricacies of the services we offer, available job opportunities, and more.

In an effort to continue the Human Element experience, we will have a free raffle that all guests are encouraged to participate in. The prize? A day in the life of the HEI team. The winner of the Tech Trek raffle will shadow a member of every department of the team over the course of a single day to learn more about what we do for our clients. This opportunity is perfect for someone interested in learning more about the different fields within the industry, wants to learn more about our company, or simply wants to be our friend. We like friends.

Tech Trek brought out more than 4,000 people from 30 states in 2017, which the organizer, Ann Arbor SPARK, expects to increase this year. Human Element is one of 50+ Ann Arbor businesses on the list of stops for attendees, all within walking distance of the three checkin locations. There is also a trolly to reach some of the more outlier locations – including Human Element. And wouldn’t ya know it? Human Element is a trolly stop too! So jump on the trolly and head down to see us during this year’s trek. We look forward to meeting you!